Understanding stress is the first step to dealing with it. Many believe the quote, ‘life is happening to me’, and associate that with increased cortisols. But if you flip the script and look at it like, ‘life is happening for you’, things become easier. Let us go through easy ways on how to manage stress in life because we’re in this together!
Acknowledging the feeling of being stressful
Understanding stress is one of the most important things that you can do for your health as a part of aligning and setting your health goal. Stress is present not just around us, but within us. It is hard to tame unless we become mindful about the same.
Stress doesn’t always come from the outside. Stressors on the inside would impact our physiology, hormonal balance, and digestive discomfort. These internal sources often add to our stress.
Without knowing this we can’t realize that these internal stressors could be causing havoc. These make things more overwhelming than they need to be. Thus, the importance of understanding and identifying stress in our lives is vital as our body doesn’t do a great job of discerning inner from outer stress.
It clubs all the different stressors together, making one large stress load. Understanding stress can come from the outside and the inside is a good place to start rectifying. Understanding what we have control over in our outside world, as we investigate the cause of internal stress is of utmost importance. When we find things creating havoc and causing stress internally, we can manage stress in life.
How does stress impact our body?
The next thing to understand about stress is that it causes our body to be more vulnerable to symptoms and ongoing illness for the long haul. So, stress is one of the things that needs to be managed and then it will help prevent adverse health issues for years to come.
Managing stress can be like a healing ritual. Do you have something that you do that fills you up, that helps to create a bit of a boundary, a little bit of a barrier? This would include stressors both the inside and the outside.
What are the things you do that are just for you? What are the things that bring you joy? What are the things that light you up? What are the things that give you a sense of fulfillment?
We all need to do this audit to understand what we may be feeling in our life. These are crucial tactics for dealing with stress. If you want tips or if you know that stress is one of the things that’s causing the biggest obstacles, the biggest barrier can be getting the help that you deserve.
If you need support in this department, feel free to reach out to us at any time. Let’s talk about ways that stress can be turned into something else and stop it from disrupting your health. Instead, think about opening up for your body to be able to do what it does best — take care of you!
If you’re still confused about how to manage stress in life, acknowledge aspects that are within your control. More often than not we can control the things that give us stress. It can come in the form of toxic people, environments, and places that don’t serve us right. Also, when you start loving yourself and find brighter parts of life, you can find peace amidst chaos. Join our community at HerHeartCo and allow us to help you manage stress better.