Owning your health because it belongs to you is a message that most of us forget with all the stressors around. The world can be a really scary place especially when it robs you off prioritizing your health.
Be it professional workload or personal traumas, there are many reasons that force our health to take a backseat. But there are some things you need to keep in mind if you want to set things straight.
Owning your health
Here are the top five things that need to be aligned to ensure you’re in good health:
Sleep time
You need rest, good quality sleep, and a routine maintained to bring the repetition to the pattern. If you push yourself to stay up and work, it will take a toll on your body. How can you manage stress in life if the most important way to recharge is disrupted day after day?
Move your body
Are you moving to the point that encourages circulation in your body, circulation in your lymph nodes, and your whole detoxification system?
You don’t need a crazy workout plan or some exercise that you’re doing every day. It can just be as simple as going for a 20-minute walk. It has to be good for your body, mind, and to keep you proactive.
What are you eating
Are you literally giving yourself fuel that your body recognizes and can convert into energy? That’s what eating should look like for all of us.
There’s been a lot of pleasure eating that we’ve slid into or a lot of quick, fast, easy eating that we do to fill our stomachs on the go.
But really stop and ask yourself, “What did I have in a day?” “What did I have in a week?” Am I really eating whole, nutritious food that can be recognized by my body and turned into energy?
Add supplements to your diet
Many of us are nutrient deficient and we don’t know it. It is really important to do appropriate lab work and be monitored by a practitioner that understands what to look for.
Manage your stress mindfully
A stressed-out body is much more vulnerable to any sickness that may be circulating around. So, keep checking on your stress levels mindfully. Don’t let the whirlwind of information that’s flying around add to that stress.
Keep yourself centered within your circle of control. Focus on those things you do have control over is a huge way to deal with stress.
So, this is how you own your health. This is how you take it back into your control. You have to operate as your own best advocate in order to keep your house moving forward. This doesn’t have to be a waiting game. There’s so much you can do to move your health forward and get the results that you’re looking for. So as always, stay in touch, we would love to support you in your midlife journey to health.